Things I am Reading
So, I'll probably just add the "currently reading" tail back on to my posts from now on, but since the topic has come up....

At present I'm reading two books:

Europe: A History, by Norman Davies. I'm only 30 pages in to the introduction, 'cuz it's a bit of a slog. I don't doubt that it's a well put-together book, once you get into it, but I was never a fan of historiography to begin with, and you get three guesses as to what the introduction is (as the introduction to all good histories really should be). Fingers crossed that it gets better as I get into the actual history bit.

I've had it recommended to me before, I've seen it in Chapters every time I walk though to get to The Body Shop, so when Lamb: The Gospel According to Bif, Christ's Childhood Pal, by Christopher Moore also came up on the Book Bonobo list, it was time to splurge and buy this book. It's good. It isn't as laugh-out-loud uproariously funny as I thought it would be, but it's definitely giggle-worthy and also very poignant.

And now I need to reprint letters that the folding machine shredded.

2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hey Lady,

    I haven't been very diligent blog-reading lately and egad, look so much stuff has happened.

    Congrats on apartment -- I will also offer moving assistance if you need any -- Mr. Squealy moved everything in my apartment, he has awesome fold out trunk space. I wonder since I am facing northeast, I can wave to you from my balcony -- we will have to try one day.

    Happy reading too.

    The Bookbonobo

  2. Magnolia Says:

    TK got Lamb for Christmas, and he has been slowly working through it. He's finding it a hard read, but he is wondering if there are some "inside jokes" he's not getting because of the religious aspects.