My fantasy footie team, after 2 matches, is # 51,946 on the McDonalds/FIFA competition. Considering they have more than 420,000 entries from all over the world, I'm actually rather impressed with myself.
Both games yesterday were well-fought, and it's always nice when the underdog wins (yay Ecuador!).
I'm still battling my sinus issues. I may have to make a doctor's appointment for early next week if this doesn't resolve itself. I can deal with the sniffles, it's the killer headaches that are driving me absolutely nuts. I actually had to leave the library early on Monday and Tuesday, my head hurt that much. And I was in bed by 10 both days. After having napped for several hours after getting home. Although now that I've loaded up on the decongestants, the headaches aren't so bad (go figure!).
I have about 4500 words of a dissertation written. Only 15,500 to go! And I'm getting slightly more confident that as I continue to work on the said dissertation it will just get easier and easier... until the last few hundred words. They're never easy. Although if it's only a matter of a few hundred words, I might hand it in short, so long as the content is all right.
I'm going to Paris for a few days at the end of the month. Very excited, as the last time I was in Paris I was jet-lagged, tired, sick of the people I was travelling with, and feeling like they'd brought me along only to haggle with the ticket salespeople (seriously, my most vivid memory of that time, just under 8 years ago now, was chatting with the ticket lady to figure out the cheapest way to get a bunch of teenagers and a couple of adults out to Versailles - I was the only one that spoke fluent French. My other most vivid memory of Europe was being hit on by drunk army guys on the trains in Scotland. Not the architecture, not the pretty sites/sights, not the languages or the scenery, but the ticket lady in some train station in Paris and drunk Scottish guys... although the Scottish guys were pretty cute...). Hopefully I'll get some good pictures and get to spend some time doing what _I_ want (selfish of me, I know, but that's why I like travelling quasi-alone with few set plans beyond what flights I'm booked onto and where I'm staying at night).
Am off to the pub in a few hours to watch the England-Paraguay game. I had to find a Canadian to go to the pub with. And ironically as I watched the games yesterday, my company was an American. What is up with that? Seriously?!
I Am ReadingScrew reading! There's football on! (Ok, seriously, it's Bellamy's "Criminal Law and Society in Late Medieval and Tudor England", "The Scarlet Letter", and I can't be bothered counting the books on my windowsill at the moment).