Yes, ladies and gentlemen, spring is in the air.
Wanna know how I know?
It is, as one of my classmates charmingly put it, "Duck Rape Season".
Not a day has gone by in the last week when I haven't been confronted with the sight of some poor female bird (in spite of my classmate's title for the season, the sexual activity is not restricted to our ducky friends) trying her damnedest to get the hell away from some horny male.
And apparently it only gets worse...
You remember the roosters from FEP? The ones that gang-raped the poor hens? The one that Llewelyn, Delly Bean and B. slaughtered? If you aren't privileged enough to be one of my FEP friends, then let me tell you, it was nasty...
Apparently duck behaviour is just as bad.
I can get expelled if I slaughter one, though, so there will be no crusading for the safety of female birds on my part.