I have been prodded and stabbed more this week than I think I've ever had to endure in this short a span of time ever. It starts with me going to get my flu shot. Although my lungs are mostly fine, people seem to think that because I have asthma (well-controlled, but it's there) I should really get one. They offer htem to me for free, in fact. Both here and back home. So I went to get the shot on Monday afternoon.
Stab number one, upper left arm.
And then I made the mistake of asking the nurse about all this mumps stuff that's been going around - they seem to think you need 2 mumps shots to be completely immune, and all the stuff I've been getting from the international office and such says that I really should have two mumps shots. She looks at me with a distinct frown on her face as if to say "really, what is the Canadian health authority thinking, not giving you two shots" when I explain to her that I've had MMR as a kid (that's Measles, Mumps and Rubella for all you folks who haven't been getting stabbed lately), and since then only a Measles booster - the series they gave me in grade 9. No mumps.
I leave the health centre having booked myself in to get a mumps shot today.
So today, I go in for my mumps shot.
Stab number two. Upper left arm.
Now, honestly, injections don't bother me that much. I've had tons more than the average person due to circumstances beyond my control (well, the tetanus shot I got after my axe wound could probably have been avoided, but whatever). But two in approximately the same spot in the same week? My arm is feeling strangely numb, rather sore, and the muscles hurt from my elbow to my neck. No amount of vanilla tea is going to make this feel better.
I now have a lot more respect for diabetics, a newfound awe that drug addiction is so powerful that people could WANT to subject themselves to this, and one hell of a lot of sympathy for voodoo dolls the world over.
I just wanted you to know that for this week, I definetley feel your pain! I had an outpatient surgery this week and the nurse stabbed me twice in my forearm looking for a vein to start the IV and she ended up "blowing" the vein. She proceeded to stab me three more times on the inside of my arm. Perfect Analogy! In a strange way, glad to know I didn't have to endure the endless sticking all alone!