Of PFO letters
I sort of got two... ish...

The job I interviewed for - nope. Fair enough considering I had a whole 5 hours' notice for that interview.

The job with the government - no alternative test dates. Not going to take Friday morning off. So basically I have to withdraw from the competition.

Ah well. If I stick my present job out, I'm pretty much guaranteed a position one level up in the fall (as definitely one if not both will be leaving for other provinces/countries come September/October). So I'm not too disappointed. Honest. I think maybe I might apply to see if I can start a PhD part time in September 2008 if that happens. Maybe. Still up in the air. I do still want to do the book/library material conservation course at some point too, though. Oh, the decisions...! Oh, the agony!
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2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    bah... forget 'em!
    despite my current negative state of mine I still think things happen for a reason - and they're usually good ones...

  2. Magnolia Says:

    Yeah, obviously employers that don't hire the likes of us can't really be that good anyway... that's what I'm still telling myself...can you tell that I'm still a bit sore from not getting the uber-job? Sigh. Our paths unfold in ways that tend to make sense somewhere later on! The PhD would be a wonderful thing...