Is very much like Alberta weather, in the sense that if you wait 20 minutes, it's bound to change. Take today for example. At 11 it was sunny. Bright and sunny in fact. Calm, bright and sunny. I would have gone outside and just sat in the sunlight if I could find a patch of grass the ducks and geese hadn't shat on (disadvantage of having lake in the middle of campus, and literally 20 feet from my front door). 11:30. Things are looking grey. The wind has picked up. 12:20 - it begins to pour. Not just kinda, but really. I'm in the computer lab, and I feel drops of rain from the open window behind me. And now it's 12:30, and although it's still quite windy, the downpour seems to have stopped, and there's actually some blue sky out there to the west.
Go figure.