My mornings start when I hit the snooze button at 4:50 a.m. Yup. 4:50 a.m. I get two smacks of the snooze button before I actually have to crawl out of bed. I then have half an hour to get dressed and make myself presentable in order to get to work for 6 a.m. And it's not difficult work that I do, but by the time 4 p.m. rolled around, I was ready for a nap. You know I'm tired when I sleep through my cell phone ringing when it's a whole 5 feet from my head and the ringer is on High AND Vibrate.
I thought the repetitive comments I got all summer were obnoxious, but I think that I'm going to get really flipping sick of people making Brad-related comments. Oy.
On the bright side, I visited the kittens today! Muffin, Bowie and Skittish are all doing just fine from what I can tell - they came running when I called them and I was able to cuddle with Muffin. I was also in early enough to feed them this morning, as well as dumping some food for the Egge's cats and for the little kittens. Honestly, I'd take Muffin home in an instant, but the 'rents would freak. Ah well. I want to take pictures of them, but I'm afraid that if I get caught on set with a camera, even if it's just to take pics of the kitties, I'll get fired. *sigh*
So now it's 10 after 7 in the evening, and I will likely be heading to bed within the next hour. My entire internal alarm clock is being turned upside down, slowly but surely. Kate the night person will slowly have to be replaced by Kate the morning person... *shudder*