I ran out of paper. Bugger. So I went and got more this morning. Then I printed the rest of my dissertation. THen the guy who was buying my printer came and got the printer. Then I handed my dissertation into the binder's. Then I discovered that "The Brotherhood of the Wolf" is actually "Le Pacte des Loups" and made the agonizing decision to watch it for the first time with English voice-over. Oops. Then I ate pizza for dinner and now I am bored. I have packed most of what can be packed until the last minute. I have watched all my un-packed DVDs several times ("Quills" for the fifth time this evening, perhaps?). So I knit and blog surf. Tomorrow I pick up the dissertation and hand it in.

I think I've gone mad with the giddiness of being done the damn thing.
3 Responses
  1. genderist Says:

    How exciting! Hip-hip-hooray!!

  2. congrats on finishing.

    i see you too were hit by the desire for pizza - triggered by Vegas' last post perhaps?

    good photo

    i've forgotten what trees are here in the naked city

  3. Anonymous Says:

    That's so sad you watched the English Version. Dude's voice in the French version is WAY better.

    Congrats on the Dissertation!