The excruciating laceration of my soul
And here, the torture implements...

While I do, in fact, thank everyone who has sent birthday greetings and presents and the like, the fact that they got here more than a week early is causing me to wallow in torment whilst the packages and envelopes sit here, under strict orders "Do not open until your birthday".

So, while I whine about being tormen... no, I've already used 'tormented'... what's another synonym...

So while I whine about being plagued by the surreptitious enticement these envelopes and packages subtly exude, I again thank you all for the reminder that I am, in fact, thought of and cared for.

I wish I could hug you all.

I Am Reading

Academically: My own paper "To Have And To Hold: Intercourse with the devil in English witchcraft cases". Ah, editing...

For Fun: still working on Tess

3 Responses
  1. Llewellyn Says:

    Don't worry... mine will be there only just in time for you to stare momentarily at the packaging before you tear into it's ravishing goodness...

    Gee whiz... why does everyone buy you books? It's almost like you LIKE them or something... weird...

  2. Sarah Says:

    don't you dare rip into them! Its under strict protection, and possibly has explosives taped into the edges. Think: you could ruin your birthday, and housing for thousands of students because YOU couldn't wait for the 29th.
    Also, try and avoid reading the packing slips, as even though I can't convert the squiggle L, you're probably quite adept at United Kingdomese. Happy flailings!

  3. genderist Says:

    Bon anniversaire a vous! (or however it's spelled... it's been a while since I played those games)

    How exciting! Hope yours is a very happy one.