Right. So that internet network came back within 48 hours, but I've been too lazy to actually bother posting anything.
Spent New Year's Eve at the
Muttart Conservatory with small children for their first ever attempt at a special event on New Year's Eve. It was fun. Mostly 'cuz I got to dress up like a fairy. The magical variety. It was a medieval fantasy-themed evening.
And I've mostly been sitting on my ass since. Which is fine. That's what Christmas is all about, right?
I've spent the last couple of days, though, running around trying to see everyone I've missed and won't be seeing for the next 9.5 months.
And I need to stop now because I'm going to start bawling if I think about it any more...
Half an hour later...Ok. I can do this. I went out to see some people yesterday - co-workers, mostly. Nicky and I went for coffee at the Second Cup... then I went to find Biddy and give her the crisps I brought back for her. She wasn't home. So I tried at work... she was there! So we had lunch together. And then I ran into Angie at the mall, which was lovely. And dinner was at O'Byrne's where 11 of my coworkers from FEP managed to come out - it was fantabulous! I'm going to miss my FEP family this summer.And today, best surprise EVER! Adele got back from Montreal last night, and was in to work today, so we got to go for lunch! I didn't think I was going to get to see her at all whilst I was here. AND I got to see the Greek kittens again. Not that they really remembered me, but nonetheless... My babies are still there and are doing well... *sigh*
How am I going to manage the next 9.5 months? These are the most supportive and fun people ever... I'm going to miss you all a ton.
Good to hear from you! I know that my friends also suffer from the situation where when they travel home they have to run all over to find their friends and family before they leave! I know that must be tiring.
I, too, have suffered from the not-knowing-what-to-post thing, but I am trying to say something. I guess this is my attempt...