You may have noticed a distinct lack of political analysis on my blog. Especially compared to a lot of blogs out there that tend to focus on nothing more than the foibles and flaws of various nations and their leaders.

Quite simple, really. I don't care.

Well... ok... perhaps I care in some vague "oh, wow, that leader of a really powerful country is a bloody idiot" way, but that's about it.

But today, I'm taking a slight moment out to talk politics. Canada had a general election yesterday. The results came in whilst I was sleeping blissfully away over on this side of the ocean. And I have only 2 words for the result.

Thank God.

Not in any religious sense, really.

I mean, we all figured the Conservatives would win. I'm just really bloody grateful that they've only managed a minority. Means they have to watch every bloody step they make. And for someone like me who leans a little to the left, that's a good thing.
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