I went grocery shopping today.
Yeah, yeah, I can hear you all now... "That's great Kate... but lots of people go grocery shopping... it's the sort of thing MOST people do, in fact..."
Ah, but today, I went grocery shopping WITH A CAR!
If you've ever been vehicle-less, you'll know what a pain in the arse grocery shopping is. You can't really get as much stuff as you might like, because you're going to have to carry it all home with you, whether that means walking or taking public transport or biking of what have you. It's probably going to be heavy, and you don't want to take up too much room. Not only that, but you're confined to whatever is close and/or convenient. I don't know about you, but I've never found it particularly fun to have to switch buses whilst carrying two armloads of groceries.
But today, I got a text message from Nicola "Going grocery shopping this afternoon. Meet in the car park at 2:15?".
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Nicola has a car.
Which means that not only was I able to get a LOT of groceries... but we were able to go to a decent grocery store to get them. The ones nearest me, are, quite frankly, tiny and crap. We went to the
Sainsbury's - the BIG Sainsbury's out by
Monks Cross. It's, like, a real North American grocery store, folks! It's amazing! It's probably about the size of what I'm used to from back home in Canada - like Save-On... which is a huge treat after being treated to boutique-store sized grocery stores. I spent a lot, but I'm not going to get another similar opportunity for a while now. It was fantastic!
I NEVER suspected I could get this excited about grocery shopping.
I completely sympathize with this...My mom lives on the third floor of an apartment, and she has a car, but she has to make three or four trips to get everything up, which now sounds like a cake walk compared to what you have been doing! Hope it went well!
Hey lovey!
Thanks for the Birthday present...it was such a treat, but im sending you post right away, so im not going to say any more. I'm glad to hear that you're shopping experience went well...I too can empathize with having to walk half a kilometer with a jug of milk...not so easy....)
Food-shopping ... brings back fond memories of living in Galway and having to walk across a horribly exposed bridge in order to get to Tesco's. And it was raining a whole lot while I stayed in Galway!
Oh boy, do I ever empathize. It's a 20-minute walk up the hugest hill in Cambridge from Sainsbury's to my home. I eat only the essentials now, which probably isn't a bad thing!