An Interview with Melissa Morgan
4 years ago
This is me and Willow. Willow is my friends' new puppy that I was mentioning a couple of posts ago. Damn, she was cute.
The Muttart Conseratory (where I worked New Year's Eve) has all sorts of fun plants and things - this is their Orchid display (and a bit of my friend Bonobo's (not her real name) shoulder).
And finally where I was technically stationed - the arid pyramid. Cacti, succulents that sort of thing. And for future reference, folks, arid means DRY, not WARM. Could have used a sweater if I was going to be in there all night (I managed to escape though).
Hi Kate! I heart that puppy! What kind of dog is it?
I hope you're feeling better today (this evening, i guess, your time). Keep in touch (I will send you post!)
Ditto on the 'things feeling wrong' when you arrive back in England from Canada. I haven't felt... right... all week. Hope you're better by now, though.