1. The spider that lives outside my bedroom window is NOT in fact dead, as I thought he might have been. Whilst I have not yet blogged about this problem, outside my bedroom window seems to be prime spider lodging area, and at this particular moment in time, I can see 8 (yes, eight) spiders outside my window. I'm afraid to open my window until I find a giant can of Raid somewhere.
2. My world has been strangely silent since I posted my last post about my infanticide assignment. Does that mean you all really DO think I'm a psychopath just waiting to explode?
3. I got mail yesterday! Like, real mail. I got my History Today (*geek alert!!*) magazine, for once before the month was actually over! AND
Llewelyn gets superbonus points for being the first person to actually send me really for real mail. I was grinning from ear to ear for the rest of the evening. Going to need to write her back. In fact, there are a lot of people to whom I owe at least a postcard, so I'd better get on that - probably this weekend. Maybe I'll actually walk into town tomorrow and go shopping for more postcards. And as some people can tell you, I can fit one hell of a lot of writing onto one average-sized postcard.
4. I've decided to apply for a position in the University's temporary secretarial pool - doesn't guarantee I'll get any work, but if I manage to get in and someone gets backlogged somewhere, then at least I can put in my 16 hours a week and actually earn some cash and not feel like I'm freeloading off my parents so much and/or still freeload but at least not feel guilty about going out for dinner with friends and such. By the same token, I've also put myself on a mailing list so that the psych and econ departments here will let me know if they're running experiments that they need paid guinea pigs for.
5. My arm is itchy.
6. My friend's sister down in London just had a kid, so she's an aunt all over again. Congrats, Riel and family!
7. When I go into town, I'm buying myself knitting needles. That's all there is to it. I've got this yarn just sitting in my drawer, taunting me... It's this supercool stuff that
Adele got me. Yay Adele!!
8. I think that's it. For now.
**Ok, apparently that's NOT it, because, as Adele pointed out in the comments, she DID in fact spin me the yarn... and it's, like, superwicked awesome - it's all these fun colors and it's a merino-silk blend and yes, it's taunting me... even more so now that I've taken it out of the drawer in a futile attempt to get my camera to take a proper picture of it... First the batteries die on me (good thing I bought rechargable ones!) and then the camera doesn't have a close-up function, so I'm kinda screwed. Ah well. But the point is that it is super amazing yarn and that I didn't intend for an instant to downplay all the effort that goes into it. I mean, have YOU ever tried to spin (Adele, you don't count)? I have - it's hard!**