I don't know what the weather's problem is today, but it certainly seems to have something stuck up its nether-regions. It started out quite nicely. Gorgeous. Sunny. Lovely. Then I took a closer look out my window. Windy. Fine. I can handle that. Just means its a little chillier. So then I leave for class. The wind picks up, the rain comes down... on my side of campus, anyway. Just off to the northeast there's this lovely rainbow, indicating one hell of a lot of sunshine off to the southwest. And apparently it was hailing towards the city centre. Go figure.
It's still windy. The wind is howling outside my window...
well, if you want to get technical, and I do*... it's actually the wind causing the air pressure between my comfy warm room and outdoors to fluctuate rapidly through my poorly sealed windows, making one hell of a lot of noise. It's quite impressive, actually.
Attended a lecture last night on Republicanism in late 16th-century literature. It was slightly less boring than it sounds, to be honest, and there was free tea and cookies, so how could I pass it up? Actually, I would gladly have passed it up, as I was supposed to be giving a concert with the rest of the handbell ringers - BUT it was either attend the lecture or read a
360-odd page book for discussion in a seminar in the near future. And, yes, sadistically enough, I did in fact actually look at the library's website to see if I could get my hands on
the book. It said it was being held for pickup. Which means that whoever was supposed to be picking up the book could ostensibly have it for at least a week. I requested it anyway, not thinking I'd ever get my hands on it before the aforesaid seminar... and when I woke up this morning I had an email from the library people saying 'come and get it'. I was slightly pissed off. I mean, not that I WANTED to read a 360-odd page book, but whoever was scheduled to have the book before me obviously was NOT serious about it. *sigh* So I missed a handbell concert.
The plan is this weekend to take the old set of hand bells (god, they're terrible... but they suit the purpose) out busking to raise money for an MS hospice here in York. I feel fairly good about that - especially since I know a few people with MS and know what it can do to a person. Good cause, in my mind.
And we may go see the new Harry Potter movie afterwards! Yay! (Yes, I'm 23 years old and am still stupidly excited about going to see Harry Potter).
Now, I don't know if Amazon.ca or Amazon.com do this (I'm guessing they do...) but Amazon.co.uk has started making random (well, not really random - based on my previous search terms and the like) reading recommendations to me when I log on. Which is nice... sort of... but I usually go there with a purpose - purchasing textbooks and the like - rather than just looking for random things to read. But, hey, they've managed to come up with the odd thing that I've seen in stores and that piqued my interest, so maybe it's not all bad?
And I may have to book a massage for when I get home over Christmas (where such things are cheaper). I don't know whether it's the way I've been sitting at my desk or what, but my...hm...whatever that muscle that runs from your shoulder to your shoulder blade and helps you do such things like stretch your arms and shrug your shoulders (anatomist, I am not).... that muscle, anyway, on my left shoulder, feels like it's had the crap beaten out of it. I haven't been this uncomfortable in quite some time. Ah well.
And that concludes this long and rambling post for today.
*Yes, that WAS a shout out to all my '85 friends. The thought formed in my head and I just had to go with it.
Rain and wind? Well, you're talking to someone who lived in Galway for eight months -- and feared she might actually turn into a fish. It certainly made for interesting phone conversations with my Mum (in German, of course):
"Mum, I can't talk. I've just come home from food-shopping and I'm wet all through."
"Why are you wet?"
"Because it's raining?"
"But you've got an umbrella ..."
"Too windy for an umbrella."
"And your raincoat?"
"That doesn't cover my trousers."