So, I don' t know what I did... but whilst pulling my Smart Card out of my digital camera, I managed to somehow erase the contents of said Smart Card. All my photos to date are gone. Bugger! Thank god I saved most of them online in that photo album I put up - all the good ones, anyway.
Have had an uneventful day, which I suppose is good. My "Research Skills" course today went by really slowly, but that's nothing new. It was about 'designing and managing a research project and keeping track of the data'. My hunch about Microsoft OneNote was confirmed. Apparently it's a historian's godsend. Microsoft may have done something right for once. I must admit, though, that I am still a bit old fashioned and enjoy rifling through notes and papers, but I can totally see the practicality of keeping everything electronically - although I'm scared shitless that if I don't back things up in about three places, I'll lose them. Like, oh, say, my photos! Oy. Not that I'm bitter. Really.
Handbell practice was tonight - looks like we'll be busking a few times and playing a concert or two before Christmas, which should be entertaining - the best part is that it's fairly worthwhile. The money we raise in busking actually goes to a home for people in the advanced stages of MS, so I'm being socially conscious, musical, hanging out with really cool people, and getting out of my room every so often. I'm really enjoying my Wednesday evenings.
I'm also heading to the fireworks with some of my classmates on Saturday night. It's "Bonfire Night" - Guy Fawkes day... night... whatever. I find it hilarious that one of the biggest British celebrations is in honor of some guy's complete and utter failure to accomplish what he set out to do (short history lesson, if you don't know - Guy Fawkes and a bunch of his cronies attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament, with all the Lords and MPs and the monarch and such in them, in 1605 - so this year is big - 400th anniversary - and it's especially big here in York, since Fawkes was from around these here parts).
And now I need to return to my account of the trial of the Earl of Castlehaven for rape and sodomy in 1631, since it needs to be read by my class at 1:15 tomorrow...