So, for about the third time since my Early Modern Core Course began, something has been pointed out. Something odd. Something puerile. Something just nutty.
Every last one of the women in my class sit on one side of the room, and the guys sit on the other.
I wonder if it's 'cuz the guys feel outnumbered? There's only three of them, and five of the fairer sex. Even today, we met for lunch before class. All 8 of us. And the three guys ended up sitting at one chunk of the table while the gals were at another. It's weird. And I don't think we do it intentionally. I, for one, have actually been making an effort to try and sit next to the guys in the class - partly because they're actually smart and good-looking - but also partly to see if I can change the trend. It hasn't worked yet. I don't think it's that we're all trying to fend off cooties or anything. We all seem to have good bodily hygiene, so I don't think it's because someone stinks.
Meh, either way, it's all good. I think we're fairly comfy with each other, even after only a month, so that's always nice.
But still. Weird.