On learning new things...
So I've discovered that I will actually be trained next week. There will be much learning. There will also be much sleeping in, as I won't have to start until 8:25, although it does mean I won't get off until 4:40, unlike my usual 7-3:15 shift.

I have learned that I missed choral performing more than I remembered. All the fun of solo work without all the responsibility to be perfect. Ok, granted, you're still aiming for 100%, but if you only hit 98, there are other voices to help you out.

I have learned that 3.5 weeks of doing nothing but calling people withouth a telephone headset causes shoulder injuries! Horrible ergonomic arrangements. Part of it's my own fault - I shouldn't have been holding the phone the way I was.

I have learned that I can survive on 6 hours of sleep a night, but not for any extended period of time.

And last, but not least, thanks to Mike Rowe and his "Dirty Jobs" show, I have learned that the moulds for bells contain horse shit. And other random interesting facts.

And that is all.
1 Response
  1. genderist Says:

    You've got to get one of those phone wedges to attach to your headset.

    I wouldn't be able to make it through the day without mine!