Of quick updates
Well, ladies and gents, I have still not received my official letter of offer regarding the new position. Bah. Humbug. I did, however, get an email today from my contact. The basic gist of the email conversation is as follows:

Contact X: "Hi, Kate. Your letter of offer will be sent out on June 9 - we have most of the details down."
Me: "Thanks, X! Any word on where I'll be going?"
Contact X: "No."


Having said that, I work a compressed schedule these days - put in a little extra time each day and get some extra time off every few weeks, and yesterday was one of those days off. I went down to FEP (www.fortedmontonpark.ca) to wander around and visit - only ONE familiar face in costume on the entire site - a bit of a weird feeling. For more you can check out the last few of Delly Bean's posts.

But mostly I went because the fabulous Delly Bean has been helping me to build a corset. I started this thing back before I went to England (and before I had a decent digital camera) and was making OK progress on it, and then I went away, and the corset sort of ended up on hiatus. But yesterday, I sewed. By hand, 'cuz there were tricky bits, but I sewed.

And here, after nearly three years, is what the corset looks like to date...


Picture with better colouring so you can see what the fabric really looks like:

Detail of the front. Those little channels are filled with wire-filled candle-wicking to give them a bit of supportiveness:

Inside (will be lined in a royal-ish blue material). The bar in the middle is iron (it was easier to find a blacksmith than a carpenter to make it for me, ironically enough) and will go in a channel between layers of canvas and will sit straight up the breastbone and down onto the stomach:

2 Responses
  1. Patricia Says:

    Cool!!! (The corset, not the not-knowing-where-you'll-work.)

  2. genderist Says:

    That's a great project! Blue will be a great color to use...

    I'm so jealous. Now I want one!