Of boredom
Ladies and gentlemen, about a year and a chunk ago, I blogged about being bored at work.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ok, seriously now...

When you've got nothing to do at work, what do you do?
I've got no students coming to whinge or ask stupid questions *knock wood*
I've got no paperwork to file (I'm dependent on my co-workers for that, anyway) or mail out.
The phones aren't ringing *knock wood*.
I've finished the project my boss set for me.
I've answered all my email.
My desk isn't very messy at the moment, so it doesn't need to be cleaned.
I've read just about every story on the BBC news website.
I've read the Residence handbook yet AGAIN in an effort to educate myself. I may go read the manual yet AGAIN.
I have to look/sound like I'm doing something. Don't get me wrong. In a month we'll be swamped with applications and I'll be whinging about being overworked - I know that's the case. But for the moment...
What would you do? Surf the 'net? Organize your desk yet again? Help!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

You know it's a slow day at work when...

You're looking forward to telling off the guy who hasn't paid when he comes in to complain about the lock change
You're disappointed when he comes in before the locks are actually changed
Your desk has never been neater, and new organizational supplies have been ordered (what would we do without Grand and Toy, really?)
You've read the emails in your inbox twice, just to make sure you haven't missed anything.
You watch your fellow employees file - only after you fought over who got to do the filing in the first place
You water the plant you've been neglecting for the last month
You haven't had to to say "around the corner, first door on the left" yet and you're two hours into your day
You haven't taken a single payment
You don't really need that free yoga they're offering to relieve stress, but you're damn well going anyway
You sign up for a free online HTML course because it's been two years since you built a website and you're feeling a little rusty. You also complete the first week's homework.
You seriously think about signing up for the free CSS course as well
You finally say "around the corner, first door on the left" 2.25 hours into your day
The only student that's had an actual housing question isn't even from our residence
And I'm sure I will think of more shortly, but this is it for the mo.

And then, miraculously, in September, I got the new job. It promised to be a job where no one was ever bored, because there were so many clients and so much work that we'd never run out of anything to do.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, they lied. The office has been the slowest it's been in... about ... 2.5 years. We're running out of work. I'm taking an online French grammar course. And 95% of the internet is blocked by our system's firewall.

I don't handle boredom well. All I can think right now is that I PRAY my new job sends me my formal letter of offer soon and I can get out of here into a job that's slightly more sane. And maybe even get my own desk again. That'd be cool...
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2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Boredom is a scary thing - it tends to sneak up on people and catch them by surprise. I'm always shocked when it's suddenly there and I have no idea what to do...

    I'm slowly losing my French right now - learning German has been wonderful and having the chance to speak and practice is also a blessing. However, when they want me to teach them things in French it takes longer than it should to go from German to French. Stupid...


  2. genderist Says:

    Try to enjoy the slownss while it's here.