It's 5:50 a.m., and the jet lag is making it impossble for me to sleep - I would have just been heading out to the movie set at this point at home - nights seem to have royally messed with my internal clock. So, anyway, I needed something to do. I copied Adele - I stumbled upon this whilst searching for the pic of the Greek kittens
i live: in a small study bedroom in a 'flat' in a graduate college at the U of York
i work: hard, but only after I've procrastinated hard, too
i talk: very seldom - I listen more.
i wish: I could have the best of both worlds
i enjoy: Learning fun new things about history
i look: out for myself and for others.
i must: register with the National Health Services next week and see about getting some prescriptions renewed.
i forget: things frequently. Like today. I'm in the grocery store and forgot to get toilet paper. Oops.
i find: that people on campus are so far mostly friendly.
i smell: my Cranberry room spray from the Body Shop.
i listen: to the music in movies. Like, really listen. Movie soundtracks fascinate me.
i hide: my chocolate sometimes.
i pray: as a last resort, to some being up there...
i walk: All over campus trying to find things
i write: the way I speak. Hence all the ...s
i see: my cluttered desk and want to clean it up.
i sing: semi-professionally, any time.
i laugh: really loudly.
i left: this room to go grocery shopping and watch Spooks (MI-5 in North America - you too can watch it on A&E - probably later this year)
i won: a whole bunch of awards in high school but I'm not particularly proud of any of them.
i can: cross-stitch, knit, crochet, sing, play piano, cook on a wood-burning stove
i own: not much. I could only bring 2 suitcases with me when I came, so at the moment my room is bare.
i watch: people. It's fun.
i yearn: to see a plug-in that looks like the ones back home
i daydream: about finding someone to love
i fall: asleep really soundly, and can't be woken up by most loud noises, including cats fighting right outside my bedroom window.
i want: to be successful in this current venture.
i cry: a lot. Especially when tired.
i burn: anything flammable in moderate quantities. I'm a bit of a pyro, and even just having a candle around makes me much happier.
i read: textbooks... historical fiction... sci' books... anything, really, but mostly the first two.
i love: my friends and family
i rode: bareback once. Woo.
i sometimes: just need some chocolate
i touch: my hair. A lot. I have to have it pulled back or else my hands are constantly playing with it.
i hurt: myself with a suitcase. There is a giant bruise on my ankle from where I must have banged it or something.
i use: fun pens to take notes in class. Gotta do something to liven it up.
i break: sewing machine needles. Just ask Adele
i eat: whatever's in my poor starving student cupboard.
i quit: singing lessons when I hit university and I've regretted it since.
i bathe: rarely now. There's no bathtub in this whole place. Showers are what I'm stuck with now.
i still: don't know what I want my thesis to be about.
i drink: lots and lots of caffeinated beverages.
i stop: functioning properly at hour 6 of an 8-hour day.
i save: my school-work-in-progress in three different spaces - on my webspace, on a disk, and on my hard drive.
i lost: my naivete but not my innocence
i take: criticism badly - but not constructive criticism.
i trip out: rarely... and then usually only because I'm ridiculously tired.
i hug: sparingly; only the people i trust - Adele said it first, but I have to agree.
i play: Sid Meier's Pirates! and Spider Solitaire. Way too much.
i miss: being able to cuddle - with a pet, with another human, either way.
i hold: on to everything. I'm a packrat.
i forgive: but it takes a lot for me to forget - Another one Adele said better than I could.
i drive: myself crazy worrying sometimes.
i learn: arcane facts about a long-gone period in history.
i dream: rarely. At least that I can remember. Although I had a dream last night that involved Brad Pitt. Stupid movie.
i have: to get out and meet people. I'm in England, a country where I know a whole 1 person enough to call up and say "hey, wanna go for coffee", and I know 5 whole other people by name besides.
i remember: green carpet in my parents' first house - but they say they got rid of the green carpet before I was born.
i don't: do all-nighters. I get physically ill without sleep.
i like: the smell of vanilla, sleeping in an extra 15 minutes, having 24/7 access to the 'net in my room...
i made: my first knitted project this summer. It was a dishcloth. Does that count?
i kiss: little these days.
i believe: that there is something out there, but what it is, I don't know.
i wait: for phone calls that probably won't come
i need: a bath sponge. Couldn't find one at the ASDA this evening.
i owe: my parents both monetarily and for so many other things.
i hate: intolerance
i feel: my back aching due to the unfamiliar mattresses and shitty pillows
i can't: touch my nose with my tongue
i know: that I'll get through it, even if it doesn't seem that way at the time.
i applaud: anyone who makes a concerted effort to accomplish something extraordinary
i am: getting settled into this new life
i figure: it'll all work out in the end, so just kick back, relax, suck it up and deal with it.