So. Of all the things they could possibly give me, my first assignment is a book review. Which isn't too bad - it's only 3 pages or so, not the 12-page monster I was once assigned (who the hell writes 12-page book reviews? Apparently students of Canadian history). But, with my laptop in the computer hospital, the air conditioning in the computer lab broken... I think I'm in book review hell. Seriously. I may curl up and fall asleep on the keyboard. It's so warm in here.
Isn't procrastination wonderful?
School really starts in earnest this week. Hence the book report due. It says I'm supposed to circulate it around. I suppose that means I have to print a copy, then photocopy it for everyone else to have as well. Hm. I also have to give a presentation (in conjunction with one of the guys in my course) on Thursday, but that should be short and sweet. I hope. In the meantime I've been bored as all hell. I'm so used to having my life scheduled to the hilt. I mean, last school year at this time I was working 2 part time jobs, filming a TV series with Access, taking a full course load and attempting to have some sort of a social life. And right now I've got school. That's it. Eep.
Ok, now I really should write that book review. Bugger.