In spite of my whinyness earlier today, the day is slowly looking up. I still haven't gotten out of my pyjamas, but I have made myself somewhat productive. In fact, I've read three journal articles and am about to start on the fourth. I've cooked (Nasi Goreng - a rice/chicken/egg-based dish - enough to do me about 4 meals). I've even begun compiling my notes on a fantastic new program that Microsoft has put out with Office called OneNote. I love it. It would be even better if I had a tablet PC, but that's another story.
But, to top it all off, I've had 'real' contact with my previous life. I had a great MSN conversation with one of the girls from work this summer. She was having a tough time with some of her coworkers, and evaluations have finally come out (although since they're mailed out, I doubt I'll get mine for a while yet). And, yes, she was vindicated. Her ratings were fine, her coworkers' (the ones that were giving her trouble, anyway), were crap! Not that I know that. But gossip travels amazingly well in some circles, and I hear that said coworkers will NOT be coming back to FEP. YAY! She seems very positive, which is always good, so hopefully I'll get to see her when I go home for Christmas.