Exciting, isn't it? Waiting for white-out to dry? But that's unfortunately the most exciting my life is going to be for a while. Rather, my life will probably be exciting, getting to watch all the comings and goings of the movie... but this blog will be dull as dust, being sworn to secrecy about the whole bloody thing. I could probably tell all sorts of juicy secrets... but no. I unfortunately do not have the money to cover the fines that would be incurred should the secrets be spilled. Instead, I will be confined to writing about my life outside of work, until such time as the movie shoot is over and done with, which won't be for a month or two yet. And considering I don't have much of a life outside of work (all efforts to the contrary), this blog will end up fairly dull and uneventful.
But why white-out? Why not glue? Paint? Because I had written my work schedule for this week into my day planner, and what should occur, but it got changed to accommodate the movie. Rather than scribble in the day planner, I ended up using white-out.
I could have gone to Yoga this evening. I wanted to go to yoga this evening, and discovered the joyful fact that city employees get 50% off such things as drop-in yoga classes at the city facilities. But by the time I got home, my parents literally had dinner ready and waiting for me.. and then to drive back into the middle of Edmonton probably would have cost more in gas than it was worth. Ah well. We have potential plans to go see a show on Tuesday - The Brothers Grimm, which apparently got some crappy reviews, but it looks like fun candy for the mind, which is really all I can handle at the moment. And then, not this Saturday, but next Saturday, I get to go laptop shopping! I'm superexcited, since my computer is five years old and is starting to show every little bit of its age.
A couple of channels of wicking, the straps, the lacing and the lining of my corset to go, then I'll be done (hopefully by the end of Monday... Adele's new office is going to be ridiculously small... Fingers crossed!)
Random photo du jour: A picture of my ancestors outside their farm in southern Ontario... The Manning and Cottle branches of my ancestors, in fact...