After work, a couple of the gals and I mosied into the Whyte area of town and took in some quality time comparing our literary tastes and adventures at Chapters. Some time. Yah. Bloody near two hours. I came out $50 later with a few good reads (hopefully). But whilst there, I had the pleasure of hearing them play Damien Rice... I'm so hooked. It's nuts. But I've been in a really introspective mood the last couple of weeks, and he totally fits that mood.
Then we went for sushi. I ordered a lot. But, in the end, I'll have lunch for a couple of days yet, so it was worth it.
And on the drive home, whilst stopped at a red light, who should pull up next to me but the hottest police officer that I have seen in my personal memory (and I've seen a lot - they all hang out at the Second Cup/Great Canadian Bagel by the university - a whole block from where my apartment used to be). Yum. I stared. And I admit that I stared. In fact, he looked at me and I continued to stare. But a few lights later, he was gone. I was totally disappointed. But I have learned that when, Sabrina, you become a cop, you're going to have to introduce me to all your hot coworkers. That's all there is to it. Maybe then I'll find me someone to end the no-end-in-sight singleness.