10 days in a row without a break, working at least 6 hours each day. And now I'm done for a couple of days and can sleep in a little (yah... so... 9 a.m. is, like, sleeping half the day away now, though) before I go back to my 4:50 a.m. mornings.
Ambiguous movie comment for the day: A particular item on set caught my attention and I now want one, and a particular piece of the set looks gorgeous and I wish it could stay that way for future use, but no such luck.
My kittens are doing well ("my" kittens... yeah... right...), although they seem to be developing a few abandonment issues, which is ironic considering the park is full of people that love them at the moment. This morning Muffin, Bowie and Skittish all ran halfway down the street, following me as I unlocked buildings. They came as far as the custodial building. It was nuts. They meowed the whole way, too. And this was AFTER I fed them, the adult cats and the little ones. I guess maybe they just miss having people sit and actually pay attention to them. We spoiled them rotten this summer, and I wish I could spend time with them, but I have other things to do. Like my job. It took me 45 minutes to unlock the building this morning, but probably would only have taken 15-20 if I hadn't stopped to look after the babies.
I've decided that all I want as a souvenir of my experience with this movie is something that proves I worked on it. I don't really care what, or how, but I'm putting in all this time for these people, and a sticker or something would be nice. *sigh* Apparently I work the graveyard shift (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.) not next week but the week after. Not looking foward to that particular shift in my internal clock, but apparently they specifically requested me! I feel special now.