Went into the Dentist's today. Follow-up appointment from my checkup last month.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially survived (I think) my first local anesthetic. That's right. I rule. We'll see how things go when the freezing wears off, but for now, I'm ok, albeit a little drooly.
They've frozen the right side of my face - I apparently have enough room for my wisdom teeth so they got rid of a little gum flap that was over my tooth.
If you have a weak stomach, stop reading now.So what they do is they actually take a little laser and cut it off. Lasers are supereffective, because they cauterize (ie: burn shut) the wound as they go. So in essence, my wound has already scabbed over. Minimum blood, minimum pain. The thing about cauterization, though, is that you're burning flesh. I now know what the smell of burning human flesh is. And, disturbingly enough, I've smelt worse.
Now, though, when I read about people being burnt at the stake and such, I'll know what the smell was. Not sure how that'll affect me, but we'll see.
Ok, you can start reading again.On another note, I finally got my tax receipt for my Jan/Feb RSP contributions, so I can finally file my income taxes! Yay! I have a pretty sweet return coming my way.
And that is all.
I Am Reading:
Quasi-Academically: Le Morte d'Arthur (Malory)
For Fun: The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
Pile of unread books on my bookshelf: way too many...
Dental work = no love
Getting tax money back = mucho love