I got the news on Thursday that The Body Shop is restructing and that as of May 2, my position will no longer exist.
My manager had left me a voice mail message asking to call her back, and when I did she said that "I need to read you this script they've left me." So I listened as she read. She needs to cut hours IMMEDIATELY by about 50 hours per week. I have been laid off, along with one other girl (and another girl is conveniently moving to Ontario, so there's her taken care of!). They will be cutting pretty much everyone else's hours.
I'm not surprised, really. And I'm probably one of the first people who's ever been sort of happy to be laid off. I've not been enjoying The Body Shop lately - the Christmas rush is over, things are ridiculously slow. The company is going in directions I don't entirely agree with (they are REALLY pushing makeup sales these days... I always thought of TBS as a shop with values more like Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty... And they've come out with a line of "body focus" products that are a load of... well, I don't think we've sold a single piece since they came out with it... Cellulite serum? I mean, geesh, for a company that's big on "natural", too, I'm not impressed with all the ingredients in their stuff - it's better than a lot of companies, granted, but still... Ok, rant off... And yes, I will likely write a letter of resignation instead, for the day before my layoff, stating all of these concerns).
But the bottom line is that freedom is in sight. Freedom to have a 'real' weekend like most other people out there. Freedom to say "I sure can hang out tonight, I don't have to work tomorrow." Freedom to do my housework one day and still have a second day to lounge about.
The spending money was nice, but not entirely necessary. I can still get by financially. I think what this will do to my mental health will more than make up for the not-even-$300/month that I was making with TBS.
Thank-you, whatever powers that be are out there, that have saved me the need to upset my boss by my quitting. I was probably going to quit on or near May anyway.
I Am Reading:
Quasi-Academically: The Life of Saint Philip Neri (Antonio Gallonio)
For Fun: Le Morte d'Arthur (Malory)
Pile of unread books on my bookshelf: way too many...