In an effort to find a better-paying, more permanent job, I've been checking out the U's website on a fairly regular basis. But one slipped by me and wouldn't have been brought to my attention were it not for a friend who emailed it to me.
Rare Book and Map Cataloguer at the special collections library.
Ooh! Ooh!
They really seem to want someone with an MLIS, but I'm hopeful because of the rest of the posting... "Qualifications include a Master's degree in Library Science from an accredited library school; an academic background and/or library experience in the humanities (especially history) in addition to interest in cataloguing, analything/descriptive bibliography, research methods and the ability to catalogue materials in the major western languages; a strong service orientation; superior instructional, communication, and writing skills; excellent information management skills; a commitment to collegiality and seeking cooperative solutions. An additional, advanced degree in a related field is also desireable."
So I'm not quite totally there, but I think I have a good 1/2 the qualifications.
Wish me luck.
luck has been wished...and blogger is making it tough for me to wish it again. but it is such a great thought...that i will try this third time to post a comment of luck wishes...
I'm rooting for you! I'm rooting for you!
That sounds like a sweet gig! I'm sending good vibes your way, too!
Go team!
Sounds like a great job for you - something you'd really be into and enjoy... Good luck!!!