It had to happen, really. The internet is so small that it was really only a matter of time until someone from England started reading my blog on a semi-regular basis, and checked into my archives.
She knows who she is, and she knows what she read, and she didn't like it. I can only say that it was written in a period of extreme frustration, stress, and pressure. Nonetheless, I don't apologize for writing it.
I do, however, apologize for publishing it. The offending bits have been deleted.
I do apologize for leaving it up on the internet well after the periods of frustration, stress, and pressure had passed. It was a time when I took a break from her - and I did let her know the reasons for not communicating with her for about a week, although she was living only a few doors away.
I do apologize for not deleting it the instant I became aware that she WAS reading my blog.
Above all, I apologize that it hurt her feelings. That was the last thing I intended. I had written it in this blog (which no one in England knew about) precisely so that I would not blow up at HER, or someone she knew, and precisely so that I would NOT hurt her feelings. In the end this has backfired, and what I was attempting to avoid has happened on a much grander scale.
I'm sorry.
i'm sorry that your good intentions backfired.
however it is better to express and unload pent up feelings somewhere, rather than to hold them inside. and in publishing them somewhere away from a direct encounter you did what you could to avoid a direct confrontation. best of intentions...