So, let's face it. The real estate market in Edmonton sucks right now for renters and buyers alike. Demand is high, supply is low. That's the way it works. The people that live in the rental next to my parents' place are just waiting for their house to be built. It's not quite Tent City, but it's getting there. This makes finding a decent, non-scuzzy apartment for a decent price in an OK part of town rather difficult.
Ok, granted, I was spoiled in my last apartment where I lived from 2003-2005. A 1-bedroom right across the street from the university, 550ish square feet all for ME, brand-new appliances ('cuz the building manager liked me), heat/water/power included, for less than $1000/month. Well less than $1000/month. I know I'm not going to find that again. But I don't want to spend more than about 1/2 a month's salary on rent and utility bills and the like. I'd like to put part of the other half into savings (geesh... look at me being all responsible and adult-like), food, hanging out with friends on occasion, and the non-necessities, like cable/internet, a cell phone (which would actually be instead of a land line), bus pass, etc.
I would, however, like something roughly the same size, albeit further out from the uni/downtown core to help keep prices down. I would like something close to a direct public transit route to the U of A - I'm even looking at apartments by Clareview LRT station. I have no problem walking 10 blocks or so to get to an LRT station. I really don't. It's exercise. Either way my morning commute isn't going to be much longer than it is now (roughly an hour from the time I leave home to the time I get to the office). I don't have a vehicle, so close to public transit is something I NEED. I'm sorta picky when it comes to interiors, too, though - I will NOT do a basement suite. I couldn't. I get depressed enough without sunlight as it is. I'd also rather NOT have something that looks like it was decorated in the 70s.
I've found a couple of options online with various companies... They look all right from the 'net, but of course I'd need to see them before I moved in. They're a bit of a hike from LRT stations, but one even has a fireplace! Having said that, that's only about 4 buildings in all of Edmonton that meet my criteria at this point in time. I'm going to keep looking, and hopefully as all the students move out at the end of the year, more things will be available, but we shall see.
In the meantime, I will attempt to not lose hope, and I will attempt to remember that really, it's only a couple of months more living with my parents (I WILL move out by the summer, that's all there is to it), and that something will come along... Or maybe I'll win the lottery and be able to buy a condo on Saskatchewan Drive. I suppose I'd have to buy a ticket for that, though, wouldn't I?
Oh, and [RIS guy]? I'm actually not sure _how_ taken he is, Genderist. Definitely "Let's go off to the mountains together on my week off" taken, but beyond that...
*The title of a song by Garbage
I'll keep an eye open close to our place. We're a 7-minute walk to Coliseum station, and there are some apartments just south of us. . .
I'll keep an eye out too. I share your mandate to be out by summer.
In the meantime, you can save up to buy yourself snappy furniture, or frivilous nesting bowls.