I'm on crack. I'm working 2 jobs, my commute to one of those jobs is an hour each way, and what do I want to do? Find myself more activities to become involved in. I'm an idiot. But am I stopping? No.
I've contacted a few (good) local choirs in regard to audition requirements and that sort of thing. Most hold auditions later in the year (ie: August) or as vacancies arise. I nearly had an audition with i Coristi (you can Google it if you want) next Monday as they may have an alto opening next month, but I _SO_ don't feel prepared - I haven't sung anywhere beyond the shower in months, and none of that was exactly pro quality.
So I've emailed my old voice teacher to see if she still teaches or knows anyone taking new students. There's another budget buster (we're talking, like, $200 a month), but I MISS singing so very much. I miss being a decent singer. And in spite of my aversion to performing solo, I would like to be considered a decent mezzo again at some point in the near future. Hell, I might even do something crazy like find musical theatre to audition for, once my skills are back.
Or not. I really don't have time for this stuff.
Ah, screw it. We'll see.
Friday - lunch
you - me
whenever to take lunch come fetch a nicky!
I love singing alto!
Go Kate! There is always time for things that feed the soul. I have a WONDERFUL vocal teacher, let me know if you want his name.