Went to see The Breakup in the cinema this evening. It was bad.
But, it got me out of my room and doing something other than thinking about the bloody fucking goddamn piece of shit interview tomorrow that suddenly has me unbelievably fucking nervous.
Now that I really think about it, this is only the third job I've really had to make an effort to get.
Dairy Queen - didn't even have to interview. Boss just asked her other staff what they thought of me (small town!) and I got the job.
Government - my parents both worked in the department in question. The interviewers knew me, and the interview was a formality. After the first summer I didn't need to interview again for the next two.
Alto section lead - My voice teacher knew I needed cash and offered me the position.
Admin Assistant pt. 1 - lived with my boss. Not in THAT sense. She lived down the hall from me in Residence.
Floor Coordinator - knew the people hiring me from the admin asst. job.
Visitor Services - this one I actually had to interview for with strangers.
Park Host - Boss-to-be was one of my VS coworkers. We could barely keep straight faces during the 'interview'.
Academic Guidance - strangers.
Admin Asst. pt. 2 - knew the people hiring me from my floor coordinator and admin asst. pt. 1 days. They'd practically begged me to apply when they heard I was interested.
Historical Interpreter - went through an interview as a mere formality - it was the same people who'd hired me two summers earlier as Visitor Services.
Volunteer Coordination Assistant - was asked to take the position by HI bosses, who knew I was looking for extra hours/cash for this whole going to school in England thing.
So, anyway, I really need to stop feeling sick to my stomach, suck it up, realize I'm completely competent and can do this job with the proper training (I almost did it summer #3 in government), know that if I don't get the job it isn't the end of the world and I can always be a barista at Second Cup, praying that the other job I applied for comes through for me (competition doesn't close until December 31, though, so I likely won't hear before then).
You may get another frantic "oh dear god I'm going to cry" post from me tomorrow as I'm taking the laptop to hopefully do some work on the dissertation on the train, and GNER has apparently equipped a bunch of its trains with WiFi.
Otherwise, wish me luck. And now I think I need to find some gravol or something similar, because I'm REALLY feeling nervous...
I Am ReadingYou expect me to read when I'm this nervous? You're fucking kidding me, right? Fine, fine...Academically: My dissertation - "Something snazzy here: Religion, authority and the public execution in Tudor England"For Fun: Suite Française encore. Je pense que quand je retourne au Canada je vais essayer de trouver un version français... c'est très bon, ce que j'ai deja lu...Pile of Books on my Windowsill: 6. Again with the skimming for pertinent information rather than the actual reading.
Luck! Luck! Luck! Or as they say in the world of theater, Break a leg!
You're going to dazzle them. Set your mind that this is your interview for them -- do you really want to work for them? Put together a series of questions to ask them about the position, like you're interviewing them... That's always made me feel more confidant.
Just be you. They won't be able to resisit!
you can do it babe - you damn well can and you and I both know it!
good luck dear. You will do wonderful. And remember, its better to have a bit of nerves rather than feeling too cocky.
I'm thinking of you, Kate! I hope the interview went fantastiggerish!