So, due to the wonders of planned obsolescence, my laptop has decided to start falling apart.
All right, it's not that bad, but the 'U' key has popped off and refuses to pop back on properly again (ie: the clips have broken), so every third time I hit u now, the key pops off leaving me with a blank, empty space. And my card reader hasn't been working for a while but I can work around that. The 'u' thing, on the other hand.... Oy.
So I'm meant to be having my laptop shipped off in the next couple of days for repairs - it's either get them done now while they're under warranty or pay through the nose when I get home. I've not been entirely impressed with Toshiba's service to date, but it's this or nothing. I could probably replace the key myself but was kindly told that would probably invalidate the warranty (which expires at the end of Sept, I think). The card reader I can't do - so the slow death of my keyboard has prompted me to finally send it off for repairs.
So I may be posting from computer labs and whining incessantly about how hellish life is without my laptop/dvd player/stereo/television/internet access/communication module.
Just a warning.
Oh gosh, you've got a Toshiba. My first was a Toshiba, too: the service sucked big time and the stupid screen would kick the bucket every 6 months (always the same problem). I'll never ever buy anything Toshiba again!
See - that's really funny, because the guy who sold it to me is a friend, and I trust him quite a bit, and he basically said that Toshibas are some of the best-running comps that he sells.
And honestly, aside from the keys and the card reader, nothing's gone wrong with it yet. The first time it went away for repairs it was 'cuz I'd spilled coffee on it... and I think the card reader problem might be similar - I spilled Coke on the damn thing at Christmas...
That being said, the ultimate reason I bought a Toshiba was because of its international warranty.
Buy a new laptop. Once one part of it breaks, it is just a matter of time. They are all as bad as each other. At least it is only about 300 quid for a new one.