Hence the no posting (and how was that for awesome alliterative-ness?).
(For someone who usually posts at least every other day, I do, in fact, feel badly that I've not posted for a bit).
Homesickness is somewhat alleviated. I wallowed in it for a couple of days, then slowly eased myself back into the world. It worked!
France won against Portugal. That little arrogant prick Ronaldo got some come-uppance. I was happy. Don't get me wrong, Rooney wasn't exactly in fine form during that incident either, but Cristiano Ronaldo.... argh!
It's bloody hot here. If you've been paying attention to my weather pixie, you'll notice the weather has been in the mid-to-high 20-degree range. Ha! That's nothing, you'll scoff. Why, that's precisely the sort of temperature it's been at home in Alberta! Right. Well, factor in the humidity, and I can't even walk to the library without feeling like a ball of sweat. Ew. The tank tops that barely saw sunlight (that'd be 'vests' or 'camisoles' for you UKers) last summer (partly because I was in a neck-to-toe dress five days a week) have been getting a good workout this summer. Not to mention that I've discovered that my skin does get a little darker than palest pale when exposed to sunlight. I would hesitate to call myself tanned, though.
The giant spider that lived outside my window last fall is back. It makes me scared to open my window while I sleep, which I'd like to do as I could really use the fresh air... but he only comes out at night, with her little minions... so I open my window during the day for fresh air, but when he makes his appearance, it gets slammed shut again.
Campus sucks over the summer. The grocery store closes stupid early, the library closes stupid early, the bars close at stupid hours, and food service is severely reduced. I may, in fact, go mad.
My illness seems to be gone (the Cold FX my mother sent is probably helping, even if it's just the placebo effect...), with the exception of the odd cough... but being asthmatic that's only to be expected.
11,500 words to go on the dissertation. Maybe I'll get it done after all. I suppose if I keep slogging away and getting 500-1000 words each day, it'll be all right.
I have a friend whose wedding is coming up in September. I was going to cross-stitch her something, but it's not going to be done in time for the wedding. What's a good present to send to someone who's already got a household set up and who doesn't really need that kind of crap? I open the poll up to the general public...
I Am ReadingAcademically: Theatre of Horror (Richard van Dülman)For Fun: Watching The English (Kate Fox - bloody hilarious!!)Pile of Books on my Windowsill: 4 - 1 read, 2 unread, 1 half-read.
Depends on your budget I guess.
If it's big, get an iPod with a cool set of Altec Lansing inMotion speakers.
Or a plant always goes down well. I like cacti myself.
I also like the hamster-in-a-transparent-football idea, but you might not know what I'm talking about and your friend might not want pets....
i think you have a lot of time after the wedding to send a gift, so perhaps consider the cross-stitch after all -- i mean she's going to be so indundated and tired of gifts anyhow, it will be nice when your pretty and personal present arrives.
oh and i forgot to add, have you gotten to the part about the garden gnomes in the Watching the English yet... so fabulous i had to make a copy of it for myself so i could laugh again and again...
I have to ask randomly if you have read any Alice Sebold. I just read this Law Article that was accidentally mixed into some of the rape research I was doing and apparentley her book, Lucky, is about her personal account of rape with a stranger. I am really intrigued because now I can read the book and then engage in this big scholarly reading about it and sound pretty intellectual...score.
Bonobo: I have read the bit about gnomes. It's great! I've laughed out loud a ridiculous number of times whilst reading the book.
UP: I've read The Lovely Bones by Sebold, but that's it. I was disturbed. But it was a bloody good read. I think I might have to read it again sometime when I can get slightly more intellectually involved with it.
lots. hence the capitals.
i hope you've enjoyed the world cup anyway. the italy/germany game was spectacular! england on the other hand... grrrr.
i was working on the saturday against portugal so i missed the infamous testicle stamp but managed to catch the penalties. double grr.
who are you rooting for? i'm with italy, if not purely for the fact that i'm in a sweepstake at work with italy so if they win i get 30 quid! result!
enjoy the weekend miss TR