So I'm currently in the library here at uni. The library. Yup. That place where people are supposed to be relatively quiet and let you get work done uninterrupted (although my productivity level has gone down quite a bit in the last month since I set up my laptop to get the wireless internet in here, but that's another story). I say "supposed" to be relatively quiet because the porters and other random staff that I've never seen before are erecting some strange book-shelf oddity that is the strangest thing I've ever laid eyes on, and they're NOT doing it quietly. These things are made of metal, and there's this constant clang and bash and them talking to each other (not even whispering) and I'm slowly getting a headache. So I've given up on work for a bit and am actually writing this post now. Brilliant.
I got a package in the mail the other day. I knew it was coming and have been eagerly anticipating it for a while, even though I didn't know what its contents were. It turned out to be awesome. Thanks to Llewellyn (link on the sidebar, I'm too lazy to link it here, and besides, she hasn't written anything in a month... too busy, which I totally understand, but it would be nice to get an update now and then, I mean, geez...) I am now the proud owner of a mini magic wand key chain and an awesomely cool Gryffindor scarf (yup, geek I am). Llewellyn, you rock, and I'm going to have to do this 'unbirthday' thing more often.
I also made the mistake of downloading the game Aveyond from Big Fish games this weekend. Downloading games from Big Fish is a regular occurrence in my life, as I download them, play 60 minutes, my free trial runs out, and then I uninstall, usually feeling like I've actually already pretty much beaten the game, or that I've played the game before, with a slightly different colour scheme. Aveyond, however, was different. It's an old-school 2D RPG - think, like, Legend of Zelda for the ORIGINAL Nintendo, with slightly better, more detailed graphics. And I played the damn thing for those 60 minutes, and HOLY CRAP!!!! I was nowhere NEAR beating the game... so I forked over the money for the full version. I don't regret it for a second. I have played for nearly 15 hours since Friday (yeah, I know, how sad is that) and am STILL nowhere near beating the game. It's repetitive, and takes forever for your power to go up a level, but there's a story, and characters and... and... Yup, I'm addicted. Oops. Ah well. Good thing my first draft is pretty much done and on its way to my supervisor.
1. I really like RPBs with cooperative modes. The Hater will play the warrior person -- and I usually play one of the mages... sometimes between the two of us it'll still take forever to beat the game.
2. A verry merry unbirthday to you.
3. Three cheers for finishing the draft!
3 day hangover! yikes. must have been a good night kate :)