I hate spring.
Ok, I don't actually hate spring. I rather enjoy it, being the leadup to summer and all.
But would someone tell my sinuses/nose/head that spring is a season to be enjoyed and not for misery to be inflicted upon me?
I Am ReadingAcademically: Murder And Witchcraft in England, 1550-1640 (J. Marshburn. I'm actually just trawling to find primary sources he's used)For Fun: Dark Fire, still. Notice how it takes me FOREVER to get through one fun book whilst I spend HOURS each day reading academically. *sigh*
The Pile on my windowsill: Now 9 unread academic books
Where's all that famous English rain that washes the pollen out of the air? I thought that's all it did in England!
Dear Kate's sinuses/nose/head,
Please be nicer to Kate. She's not into the whole sadistic allergy thing.
PS: This could be my ignorance showing, but do you have any local honey around you? If so, eating a little of that every day can help those pollen allergies! And drink lots of water. And wash your hands.