An Interview with Melissa Morgan
4 years ago
Is it the emperor Justinian (guy in the purple - notice how his left arm and cloak seem to be in front of the sleeve of the guy immediately on his left, the bishop) or the bishop (notice how at the bottom his feet seem to be lower/more forward, as does his cloak)?
Anyway, the point being that I am so blessed by the people I know and their weird ecclectic interests and their endless founts of knowledge and my ability to have inside jokes with nearly all of them...
And a few extra vibes for this particular traveller can't hurt.
I'm a long way from home.
I Am Reading
Academically: Discipline and Punish (Michel Foucault... *shudder*)
For Fun: Dark Fire
Pile of Books on My Windowsill: (11 - 3 are read, 1 is half-read, 7 are unread).
The medal is interesting and cool...I have no ability to comment on this post in any way intellectual, witty, or otherwise amusing or insightful. I guess that would be the function of an inside joke, right? Unrelated, I can't believe that often you will say that you are a slow reader, cause I just now finished A Million Little Pieces two nights ago. I must be a "special" reader.
I'm just glad you're able to look at something like that and feel a little piece of home. It's a fur piece across that pond. You're doing great with it, I think.