Ok, it's not as gruesome as it sounds. Honestly. I'm working on a paper that involves 204 18th-century infanticide trials, so yay for cheery Christmas reading!
But things are good here at home. Not much has changed, really, in the last 3 months, except that
Tim Horton's got rid of its English Toffee Cappuccino. Bastards. Oh, and they're really developing the barren patches of land to the north with such fun commercial enterprises as a
7-11 and a Costco (7-11 link included for the benefit of any non-North American readers).
So what have I done since I got home? Not one hell of a lot. And that's the way I like it.
After I went to sleep on the evening of the 22nd, I slept for something like... 15 hours all together, BUT I woke up a few times... Like at 4:30 a.m. local time, since my body was telling me it was 11:30 in the morning in England... and then again at 8:30 local time, since my body was really trying to tell me that I was wasting the whole bloody day... Finally got up after noon sometime. Spent a few hours putzing around, ate some soup and crackers and cheese, and went to work. I went to FEP really ridiculously early - I got there about 5:15 and didn't have to start work until 6:30. BUT, as I knew I would, I spent about 1/2 an hour chatting with my Park Host-y buddies, then some time just wandering around, got changed into my costume and spent some more time chatting with Interpreter buddies, then went and took up my place in R-House.
HOLY CRAP, I miss FEP. Seriously. I was about to start crying when I got there. I got to see almost everyone from the summer that I wanted (a few unavoidable absences with people doing things like going off on cruises for Christmas, or visiting their families). And then Llewellyn and I went out for coffee afterwards (ok, I had dinner, because I hadn't eaten since 3 in the afternoon and it was now 11 p.m.).
Christmas Eve was the same old Christmas Eve. Started to watch the Pope giving mass on TV (I'm not even remotely spiritual in any way, shape, or form, but I like old things, tradition, and old-school church music, so midnight mass is the way to go - especially when it's on at 4 p.m. here!). So the station on which I'm watching it gets about halfway through, then decides that the news was more important. Buggers. Had dinner, went to bed. Seriously. Things would be all right if my body stopped trying to wake me up at 4:30 in the morning all the time.
Christmas Day... fairly uneventful. Boxing Day, fairly uneventful. Although I went to a friend's place for their annual BDay open house, and bent down to take off my shoes. When I straightened up again, there was this white ball of fluff in my face. They got a new puppy! It was so cute. When I find the energy I'll install the software for my new camera and post a pic.
Yesterday I went to the mall. Malls are scary. But, honestly, it wasn't too bad. The walkway in West Edmonton Mall is actually wider than some of the streets in York, so things were nowhere near as bad as I remember. Waits for changerooms were kinda nasty, but that's to be expected. Then Beaner and I went for dinner at the Olive Garden. Again, the wait was nasty, but there were seats at the bar, so we Bellini'd it up whilst we were waiting.
I woke up aroun 9:30 this morning. Promising. Maybe my body is figuring out this whole time zone switch thing. Yay! I've been working on my paper since. Not so Yay. But, it has to be done. And it has to be done in two weeks, so I need to get my ass in gear. So. Back to the 18th century with me.
No. *sniff* No kittens. *sigh*
Ah well. They probably don't remember me anyway.