Here it is, December 12, and it definitely does not feel like December. It hasn't

been cold, there's no snow, and, get this, there are roses blooming. Mmhm, that's right. Roses. I don't get it. It's December 12. I may have already mentioned that, but my mind is really having difficulties getting over the fact that there may, just possibly, actually be someplace in the northern hemisphere where there are roses that bloom in December. This pic is not one of my own, and the roses I saw on my walk into town today were rather a lighter shade of pink, but still. I mean, it's roses. In December. I'm from a place where December looks rather more like this:

This, ladies and gentlemen, is winter. Not roses! Ok, granted, it's technically NOT winter just yet - still 10 days to go, but nonetheless, I'm feeling a distinct lack of Christmas enthusiasm (Christmas still feels like it's months away), and I have a feeling that there are several reasons for this.
1. I have no Christmas decorations in England. I was unable to pull out my Santa pillow, put up my Christmas lights and/or little tree.
2. People don't decorate as much for Christmas around here. I mean, I don't expect a scene out of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation or anything, but I've only seen one or two houses with Christmas lights up. That being said, the centre of town is looking lovely and understated:

ongratulations to the people of York for not going totally,
completely and utt

erly freaking nuts with their Christmas decorations - and not a cheesy plastic santa in sight! Yay!
And while my camera doesn't necessarily capture the subtle beauty of the Christmas decorations in this medieval town, then at least you get a bit of a sense of what I'm dealing with here.
Right, so back to the whole point.
1. I have no decorations
2. Few other people have any decorations
3. The weather is decidedly not conducive to any mental associations with Christmas in my mind
4. I don't have a television and have not been subjected to nasty Christmas ads
5. I rarely listen to the radio and have not been subjected to bad Christmas music by the pop star du jour.
6. Didn't get to the Butterdome this year
In short, my regular Christmas routine of exam panic and mug after mug of hot chocolate whilst studying has been completely interrupted, and as a result, I am feeling decidedly un-Christmassy.
What is the Butterdome? This sounds interesting!
Hahaha... the Butterdome is the University of Alberta's main indoor sports arena. But it's this horrible yellow colour outside. Hence the name.
BUT, there's a craft sale there every year, usually the first weekend in December. It's fun to go and wander through.