So I've got a few job interviews/tests/etc. coming up. One's the afternoon of the 26th, one's pretty much most of the day on March 3, and then there's the trip to Ottawa in April.
I'm completely and utterly allowed to take time off work WITH PAY in order to attend job interviews for other branches of the federal government (God bless the union in that regard). Lord knows I don't want to spend the rest of my career in the office I'm in now (there's a stupid low glass ceiling in this particular branch).
But there's this weird part of me that feels slightly guilty for taking all the time off work. How is my current supervisor supposed to provide me with a reference or anything when it's been obvious from the beginning that I don't want to be in the office I'm in and that I'm only using my current position as a stepping stone? Should I be trying to develop good, deep relationships where I am now? But I want to get out as soon as I can. I'm even considering positions at the same salary level and classification, so long as they're out of my current department. Am I killing my career while I try to advance it? ARGH!!
I Am Reading:
Quasi-Academically: Why History? Ethics and Postmodernity (Keith Jenkins)
For Fun: Le Morte d'Arthur (Malory)
Pile of unread books on my bookshelf: way too many...
While I can understand your apprehensions with your supervisor, however, very few people who work for PSAC stay in one position. One of the selling points of becoming a public servant is that there are so many opportunities and that entry positions are just that: entries, or stepping stones.
It's hard not to feel guilt when you want more than those around you, but the real goal is to be true to yourself, and that means pursuing what's best for you, which in this case, seems to be that you get out from where you are to somewhere you can be happier, enjoy the day, etc.
Good luck over the next couple of weeks...not that you need it ;)