If I have not yet harangued you to check out the works of Edward Monkton, DO IT NOW!!
EdwardMonkton.comThe man is a genius. That is all there is to it. His works grace greeting cards, key chains, and other trinkets of the tchotchke (sp?!) kind... but they are wonderful. They are insightful, even. One of my personal favourites (aside from The Penguin of Death, which graces my cell phone charm and cover and The Madness Hamsters which are just awesome) is "Where Are We Going".
It is kind of small, so in case you can't read it, it goes:
"Where are we going?"
"I don't know. I thought you knew."
"No, I don't know, Maybe he knows."
"No, He definitely doesn't know."
"Maybe no-one knows."
"Oh well. I hope it's nice when we get there."
And that about sums it up for me ladies and gentlemen.
I Am Reading:
Quasi-Academically: Why History? Ethics and Postmodernity (Keith Jenkins)
For Fun: Le Morte d'Arthur (Malory)
Pile of unread books on my bookshelf: way too many...
I would just like to say to God... (or the fates... or karma... or anyone or anything that might have a hand in it...) that I think way more of my dreams should involve Adam Baldwin:
and/or Zachary Levi
Ok, all drooling aside, let's face it. I don't remember my dreams often. When I do, it's usually crappy (as I recall, there was a post back in July of 06 detailing a nightmare I had, and that was the first dream I'd been able to remember in months). So thank you to whatever powers were out there that gave me a fun, ass-kicking, dream last night in which I got to be a spy along with these guys and Yvonne Strahovsky (from the TV series Chuck - yes, I've found that I really rather enjoy that show. Too bad the writer's strike has seriously messed with it... dammit).
That is all.
I Am Reading:
Quasi-Academically: Why History? Ethics and Postmodernity (Keith Jenkins)
For Fun: Le Morte d'Arthur (Malory)
Pile of unread books on my bookshelf: way too many...
So I've got a few job interviews/tests/etc. coming up. One's the afternoon of the 26th, one's pretty much most of the day on March 3, and then there's the trip to Ottawa in April.
I'm completely and utterly allowed to take time off work WITH PAY in order to attend job interviews for other branches of the federal government (God bless the union in that regard). Lord knows I don't want to spend the rest of my career in the office I'm in now (there's a stupid low glass ceiling in this particular branch).
But there's this weird part of me that feels slightly guilty for taking all the time off work. How is my current supervisor supposed to provide me with a reference or anything when it's been obvious from the beginning that I don't want to be in the office I'm in and that I'm only using my current position as a stepping stone? Should I be trying to develop good, deep relationships where I am now? But I want to get out as soon as I can. I'm even considering positions at the same salary level and classification, so long as they're out of my current department. Am I killing my career while I try to advance it? ARGH!!
I Am Reading:
Quasi-Academically: Why History? Ethics and Postmodernity (Keith Jenkins)
For Fun: Le Morte d'Arthur (Malory)
Pile of unread books on my bookshelf: way too many...
Talk about not giving a person much time. I got an email today that basically indicated that I had to have all sorts of information to the folks in Ottawa by Friday. And I'm going to be in Saskatoon for the next few days (I leave tomorrow night).
Thank God most of it was easy to come by with a phone call or two. And the rest is just a tweak of my CV, really. But HOLY CRAP did I freak out for a moment.
I was a bit up in the air as to whether I was taking my laptop with me to Saskatoon or not. Now I KNOW that I'm definitely taking it with me. There's internet access in our hotel rooms, and if I have to check my email every night while I'm there, so be it.
I Am Reading:
Quasi-Academically: Why History? Ethics and Postmodernity (Keith Jenkins)
For Fun: Le Morte d'Arthur (Malory)
Pile of unread books on my bookshelf: way too many...
I got some news this afternoon...
You have been successful at the structured interview and have been selected as the top ranking candidates to attend the job fair. Your results will be sent to you in the near future.
The next steps are the following:
Job Fair. You will soon receive an invitation to attend the job fair scheduled in the National Capital Region on April 7-8, 2008.
Woohoo! This pretty much makes up for only getting sent to Saskatoon. And if I can swing things all right, I might spend the rest of the week helping out my current department up in Fort McMurray (instead of flying back to Edmonton - fly there instead... We'll see).
Things are looking pretty up...
I Am Reading:
Quasi-Academically: Why History? Ethics and Postmodernity (Keith Jenkins)
For Fun: Le Morte d'Arthur (Malory)
Pile of unread books on my bookshelf: way too many...