My desk is exposed to the public. So I ran away. To another desk that's behind a wall somewhere where students won't interrupt me. So I can actually write a real entry for this thing.
First: Graduation really wasn't as bad as I've been making it out to be. My 'rents and I are just NOT meant to be together for extended periods of time, and so I was getting hugely frustrated. It's amazing how much better we're getting along after we didn't talk to or see each other for a week.
Next: The saga that was my parents' voyage home. They were meant to get back on Tuesday. 6:30 a.m., I'm rolling out of bed, and the phone in their house is ringing. I let the machine pick up, until I heard my mother's voice. At which point I ran over to the other room and picked up the phone. "We were meant to leave 1/2 an hour ago, but we're still sitting in the airport. They say we're going to be about 2 hours late". Fine by me. Means I leave work later, get paid for more hours, and can still make it to the Body Shop, albeit maybe a few minutes late. I've been at work for a couple of hours when I get another phone call. "We're still at the airport. Don't know how late we're going to be." Fine. Another couple of hours and I check the Air Canada website. Their flight has been cancelled. Lovely. So my parents got home about noon yesterday rather than 2 p.m. on Tuesday. They were put up in a hotel overnight and given food vouchers and such, and were fairly tired when they got back, but it worked out in the end.
And again: So my furniture arrives tonight! Yay! I also want to send a shout out to Magnolia, her significant other, Jill and my friend N, who all came out and helped me move what little stuff I had left at my 'rents to my apartment. Y'all rock!
And as mentioned, I'm stupid busy at work these days (it's a deadline looming tomorrow, so I'm sure at 3 p.m. tomorrow I'll be stupid swamped). My apologies if I'm less than communication-worthy at this point. I have no internet at home until Saturday between 12-2 (my Shaw appointment last night was a casualty of Air Canada's screw-up - I wanted to be free to pick up the 'rents if they arrived in the evening). So it's all work breaks and such.
Take care, all
I'm so glad you've moved in OK... Can't wait to see pictures of your new place! Congratulations on your graduation, too. :)