So I've been tagged by
Crafty Bean... much like
Crispy, however, I will need time to think up some good, interesting, weird shit about myself to post. I've got one thing written in a draft post, but nothing else.
Friday night was a lot of fun - got to see people I don't get to see very often, meet some cool new people, snoop around in
Magnolia's house (got to see the famous Red Room), and just generally have a relaxing night out.
Apparently, however, relaxing makes me tired. I worked on Saturday at TBS, and by the time 7 p.m. rolled around, I was dead on my feet. Good thing I was home by that point - I doubt a deathly pale pallor and dark under-eye circles would have made for good make-up sales. I was in bed by 10, and slept until 10:45 the next morning.
My mother has gotten it into her head that I need a suit. I already have a suit that she forced on me about 5 years ago, and I hate it. I look like a black rectangle in it. Needless to say I was not thrilled when she woke up me at 10:45 to inform me that we were going shopping for a suit for me. This from the woman who is constantly harping on me to save my money and not make purchases that aren't necessities (we'll just not talk about spa night at Eveline Charles - for all she knows we just went window shopping and out for dinner). So she says she'll pay for the suit. She paid for the last one. I've worn it maybe twice in the five years. She's not convinced that a more casual-ish suit would be more appropriate - one with a jacket that I could, say, remove from the matching pants and pair with, oh, say, jeans.... khakis... that sort of thing. I might actually wear it then. My office does, in fact, require me to wear business casual. I can usually get away with black/grey pants and a nice sweater (three guesses as to what I'm wearing right now). We even have Jeans Fridays at work (you pay $2 for the privilege of wearing jeans, and the money is a fundraiser to send students on service learning project to help the homeless in Hamilton). Suit? Not so much.
She points out that I may need it for job interviews in the future. Fine. That may be. I think she somtimes forgets that I'm not aiming to do her job - I don't want to be a lawyer, thanks. I'm not going to need to appear in front of panels and judges and the like... And so far I've managed to appear good and professional at my interviews without an actual suit... So whatever.
Perhaps the kicker on this one was that I HATE shopping at the best of times. Which is probably why she dragged me into it with no warning. But to have to shop for something I don't even want? Ouch.
In the end we failed miserably. The only suit that I sort of liked was at J. Michael and they didn't have my size in the bottom half at either of the locations we went to. I mean, I have to have it tailored anyway (waist a size smaller than hips), but they didn't have it available in my hip size - pants or skirt. Story of my life, really.
On the bright side, I did get what I was initially aiming for - a more casual jacket that can be work with jeans, etc. And I didn't have to pay for it (the one that fit nicely was about $30 more than I wanted to pay for a jacket, so my parents were just, like "early birthday present").
On the other hand, I feel more dependent than ever. If I can't even buy my own clothes, then what the hell am I doing wanting to move out on my own?
On the bright side, my parents took a drive past an apartment building that I'd mentioned where rent was affordable and the location was good, and they approved. No balcony on the building - not sure how I feel about that - there'd be no place to store my bike (yup, it lived on my balcony in my last building - it was always interesting getting it out...)... but other than that...
Haha. 2 weeks ago my mum woke me up at 8 am to expound on how much I NEED A SUIT! She insisted at that moment that we had to go shopping, as if someone had just declared a stoppage of suit manufacturing and this was our LAST CHANCE. We went shopping a few days later, and hit up all the places where my mom shops for suits, and surprise! Nothing. This issue also came up 4 years ago when I was in highschool, and I managed to point out that Second Cup Baristas needed rain tarps more than they needed suits. So, assuming that our mothers are approximately from the same generation, why why why do they insist on the purchase of a suit?