No, really, I hurt.
The store I'm now working at is in the mall nearest my 'rents, as mentioned previously. It is also brand-spanking new. As in, it finally opened at 11 a.m. yesterday, a mere 1.5 hours behind schedule. Now, this in itself is not a bad thing. In fact, it's a good thing. We've been wanting a Body Shop in this neck of the woods for a long long time... What is a bad thing, however, is the pain I've been through in the last few days as a result of working my ass off to help ensure that that 1.5 hours wasn't any longer than it was.
I went in on Tuesday for 8 hours. This mostly meant ripping open shipment pallets, opening cardboard boxes, hauling cardboard boxes from the loading dock to our store half way down the mall, generally wrecking my hands in the process (seriously, they look like I've been taking paper to myself and just cutting back and forth). Wednesday was 12 hours of the same. Luckily I at least got to wear comfy shoes, but let's face it, I'm a pampered office girl. I'm not used to 'hard labour'. I work in places where you get to sit down. And then 6 hours yesterday in high heels, followed by 8.5 hours today (switched shoes to flats halfway through)... My feet, legs, and back are killing me, my arms are an interesting pattern of red, black blue, green and purple (and other fun bruise-y colours), and I'm ready to curl up in a little ball and sleep for a week. I know it'll get easier, and I'm still enjoying the job (yeah, I know, I've only been on it less than a week - but guess what?! I've already been promoted to keyholder!), but I could really use a massage right now...
That sure is fancy schmancy. Do they really make you wear heel? I don't think I could survive. Or maybe it would be good impetus to get over my fear of them and actually start to wear them (instead of wearing skater shoes all the time, sexy, eh?). Well, that definitely sounded like starting with a bang, so I hope it keeps being fun for you.
I am also a pampered office girl and compeltely understand... BOO manual labour! BOOO!!
Yeah, no, they don't make me wear heels, but they do make me wear "polishable black shoes" - so in other words, black leather. And finding black leather flats that don't look like granny shoes is easier said than done.
Kate! Glad to hear you're back in Edmonton safe and sound, gainfully employed. I'm jealous of you on your feet... being in the "pampered" office setting has been crap lately. I'm disturbed by the jiggling in my calves that I've started to notice lately... that just shouldn't happen.
Thanks for commenting in my blog! So far only two people I know have... I have no idea who "Sandy" is, but he/she was the first one....???
Can't wait to find out about your travels of late...
I certainly won't offer to help with the massage (sorry) but as for the rest, I have to say that I admire your energy and drive. That is so totally excellent! I wish you the very best luck with the Body Shop experience.