I ran out of paper. Bugger. So I went and got more this morning. Then I printed the rest of my dissertation. THen the guy who was buying my printer came and got the printer. Then I handed my dissertation into the binder's. Then I discovered that "The Brotherhood of the Wolf" is actually "Le Pacte des Loups" and made the agonizing decision to watch it for the first time with English voice-over. Oops. Then I ate pizza for dinner and now I am bored. I have packed most of what can be packed until the last minute. I have watched all my un-packed DVDs several times ("Quills" for the fifth time this evening, perhaps?). So I knit and blog surf. Tomorrow I pick up the dissertation and hand it in.
I think I've gone mad with the giddiness of being done the damn thing.
How exciting! Hip-hip-hooray!!
congrats on finishing.
i see you too were hit by the desire for pizza - triggered by Vegas' last post perhaps?
good photo
i've forgotten what trees are here in the naked city
That's so sad you watched the English Version. Dude's voice in the French version is WAY better.
Congrats on the Dissertation!