My apologies for not having updated in what is, for me, quite some time. There are a few things of note.
1. I feel like I have something stuck in my throat. It's not blocking my airway or anything, or else I'd be choking or generally having trouble breathing. But it's there, and no matter how much I finger sweep, I'm not finding anything. I've done just about everything possible short of having someone ELSE dig in my throat or make myself vomit (which is harder than it sounds, I can control my gag reflex fairly well). It's really bloody annoying. I may actually end up going to the doctor in a couple of days if this doesn't go away - it's been a few days now.
2. I battled sinusitis, and won! Yay me!
3. Going to watch more football tonight with the same person that prompted the comments below. Pray for me. Please. And it would be nice if England could pull off a win. Pray for that too, eh?
4. I'm slightly burnt out. I spent about 5 hours in the library today and got next to nothing done. I'm getting sick of it, and need to find somewhere else to work. I'm thinking the coffee place next to the library. It could be deadly on the wallet, but perhaps more conducive to work
5. I've heard that my friend T is coming to visit not this weekend coming up but the weekend after! She's just finished her dissertation down at Cambridge, and we've been meaning to visit each other since the beginning of the year - means I'll have to clean my room. Hm....
6. I leave for Paris on Sunday! How cool is that?! Perhaps that will revitalize my work ethic.
1. Again, I'm hella jealous... blah blah blah... live vicariously through you... yadda yadda yadda... take pictures to post... blah blah blah...
2. Go check out your throat with a doctor before your trip. Try to note if it's worse when you're swallowing or eating; if it's more your throat area or your neck area; if there's any pain involved versus continuous annoyance. Make notes so you don't forget exactly everything you want to know.
hooray for defeating sinusitis, it is such a bitch.
During Spook a few years back the doctor diagnosed me with either Sinusitis or Pneumonia. i never did find out which one it was, but i suspect both are horrid.
erm. go football.