(Stolen from Delly Bean in an effort to not write a real post - not that I have anything to write about. Wait until tomorrow/Tuesday after the drunken "we've handed in our papers! Yay" celebrations that will occur tomorrow evening.)10 T H I N G STV show: What is this television of which you speak? Before the days of noTV, though, it was MI-5 (Amerispeak)/Spooks (Britspeak)
Flower: Love red roses. Does that make me a hopeless romantic?
Alcohol: Rye and coke is always good
Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Red Violin
Is black a colour? No? - Ditto. If not, though, my favourite would be blue
Sport: Footie (Britspeak)/Soccer (Amerispeak)
Actor: Dunno, really... Ewan McGregor's got that yummy accent...
Music: Anything. My playlist ranges from Palestrina to Propellorheads to Nine Inch Nails to Billie Holiday. Always looking for something new and good!
Season: Summer. I was meant to live somewhere warm and sunny (why am I in England then?)
Book: Usually whatever I'm reading at the time. Although I've read everything by Sharon Kay Penman at least 3 times.
1 0 F A C T SBirthplace: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Hometown: Aren't they technically supposed to be the same? I actually don't think I've lived in one place long enough to have a hometown... except Vegreville. And I hated Vegreville. Ew.
Height: 5'7ish
Hair color: Brown. Although it has a remaining red tint from the dye job a few posts ago
Hair length: Hangs at exactly where my shoulder blades are all pointy and such
Hair style: What day of the week is it? Usually in a hastily put-up bun or ponytail but occasionally I get adventurous
Eye color: Grey/Blue
Skin color: Palest pale. Although I finally met a girl whiter than me this year.
Shoe size: 9 (Amerispeak)/7 (Britspeak)
Citizenship: Canadian
1 0 T H I S O R T H A T SLove or lust?: Love, please... although the two don't necessarily need to be separate, now, do they?
Hard liquor or beer?: Liquor. The aforementioned rye and coke is always lovely, but I won't say no to tequila shots either
Night or day?: Evening
Hook-ups or relationship?: Relationships
T.V. or internet?: I don't have a TV... I miss it. More than I thought I would
Wild night out or romantic night in:? Night in. Social anxiety issues.
Saturday or Sunday?: Saturday
Colored or black and white picture?: Black and white - but only if they're authentically old and historical and the like. My old family photos are one of my most treasured possessions - the photo I use for my profile here is one of my great grandmother (on the left) and two of her cousins.
Phone or in person?: Person. Then phone. Then MSN. Unfortunately those tend to be in the order of hugest expense at the moment, so I've been using them in the reverse, mostly.
Bill Pullman or Bill Paxton?: Ok, I had to Google this, and I still have no idea.
1 0 H A V E Y O U E V E R SHave you ever been caught sneaking out?: No - my town was too small to do that sort of thing without getting caught, and then when I moved out, there was no need to sneak.
Have you ever done something you regret?: Hell yeah, haven't we all?
Have you ever been on a house boat?: Nope.
Have you ever unintentionally injured a small child?: I'm not around small children much - they make me uncomfortable. I've probably trod on one's toes in the grocery store or something, though...
Have you ever been charged with sexual assault?: No. Almost been on the charging end, though.
Have you ever had your revenge?: Does the teapot caper at FEP count? That sort of fell flat...
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?: Nope. Not a big fan of the things
Have you ever stayed up all night til the sun came up?: Tried to - but never made it.
Have you ever been caught by your parents with a hickey?: Never had one
Have you ever been caught by your parents doing anything more than making out?: My parents haven't met... no, wait, they met C... but I've never taken anyone home with me.
10 A R E Y O U SAre you missing someone right now?: Um, yes.
Are you happy?: Not particularly. But much better than I have been in recent weeks
Are you interested in taking a free stress test?: No. My stress level is sky-high. I don't need a test to tell me that.
Are you bored?: Yes, and it's only adding to the stress.
Are you German?: No
Are you Italian?: No
Are you French?: No
Are you loyal to the smelly European countries of your ancestors?: Last time I checked, Scotland, England, and Slovakia weren't particularly smelly. Although I've never been to Slovakia, so I can't personally vouch for that one.
Are your parents still married?: Yes.
Are you into someone right now?: If you can't answer that one after reading my blog, you've got problems.
I Am ReadingAcademically: Nothing, but will be digging into Baldwin-Smith's Treason in Tudor England: Politics and Paranoia shortly.For fun: I'm about halfway through Tess...
This was nice for a change. I want details on the drunken hoo-rah next week!
(And what is rye? I always thought that rye was like ale and ale was like beer, but I've never claimed to understand the European slang for alcoholic beverages. "Jack and coke" is pretty universal...)
Rye's a sort of whisky made from rye (go figure). Not sure what you'd get in the States (or here in Britain for that matter) but Canadian Club and Crown Royal are popular back home. Um... Jim Beam? Wild Turkey? I usually just walk up to a bar and order a Rye and Coke and not be too picky about which actual rye goes into it.