I went out for my regular jog around the lake (getting better at this whole jogging thing - I think my poor asthmatic lungs and poor out-of-shape body are slowly figuring out that exercise isn't a bad thing).
Just as I was rounding the bend to get back to my residence building, what should I stumble upon (not literally... although it has almost happened several times) but some geese. Meh. They're all over this bloody place. BUT, in the grass with them were some absolutely adorable goslings! There were 4, I think, and they were bloody cute and fuzzy and yellowy and cuddly and... and...
Get ahold of yourself Kate.
(Shows how pet-deprived I am right now though, eh?)
I didn't take a photo. I was going to, but by the time I'd gotten back to my room, grabbed my camera, and wandered back to where they were, they'd waddled off somewhere.
Maybe duck rape season isn't that bad if it leads to this sort of adorableness wandering around campus.
I leave tomorrow for Leeds, where I will be staying at the elegant Leeds Bradford Airport Travelodge. I wasn't about to rely on the trains getting me into Leeds on time on a Saturday, so a night in Leeds it is. On Saturday a.m. I hop the shuttle to the airport, and fly to Dublin and will be spending a week in gorgeous Ireland.
Totally looking forward to this.
Have fun!!!!
Irish travel blessing (i'm sure you'll seee it on a tacky tea towel in a tacky giftshop -- i forgot to tell you to go to O'Carroll's? in Dublin -- the ultimate in tacky Irish gift shop merchandise -- i you get a chance -- there are two on O'Connell Street in Dublin), no matter, i like it:
"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you
In the palm of his hand."