So I went back down to London to write those stupid civil service tests. Since I wasn't about to wander around in cool, stylish London in my sneakers (which are slowly falling apart and I'm going to need to buy new ones but don't really want to because they'll be so bloody expensive in this country but it's going to have to happen at some point... sigh), I had taken THE BOOTS (remember those ones I bought back before Christmas... the really cool Victorian-looking ones?). Apparently they're not meant to be worn on Monday and Tuesday ALL day whilst at a conference, then worn again on Friday ALL day whilst taking government tests. Massive blister on one of my feet. It's in a weird position sort of on the side, though, so it doesn't really hurt.
I even went for a jog today and it wasn't interfering. Yes, I went for a jog. That's right. My lungs hurt but other than that I'm mostly ok. Considering I haven't jogged since before Christmas, this is good. I've never been the most fit person around (probably because I've had asthma since a kid and have never been able to exercise like everyone else)... But like I mentioned in the last post, I might never be tiny, but I can at least look fit and toned. I need a gym partner or something for motivation.